The wind energy sector is at the forefront of renewable energy technologies, offering immense potential to reshape the energy landscape. In this article, we delve into the Strategic Research Agenda and Market Deployment Strategy developed by TPWind, a pivotal player in the wind energy arena. This strategy, launched at EWEA 2014 in Barcelona, sets the stage for a sustainable and competitive wind energy future. Join us on this journey to understand the significance and impact of TPWind’s visionary approach.

Introduction: The Role of TPWind

Wind Energy’s Leading Advocate

The European Technology Platform for Wind Energy, TPWind, stands as a beacon of collaboration, research, and development within the wind energy sector. It serves as a platform where policy and technology converge to chart the course for the industry’s future. TPWind’s role extends beyond just technologically advanced nations; it fosters informal collaboration among Member States, including those less developed in terms of wind energy.

The Potential of Wind Energy

Unlocking Europe’s Energy Future

Wind energy is poised to lead the charge in the transition towards renewable energy sources. Projections based on the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) and European Commission (EC) estimates suggest that wind energy could contribute up to an impressive 34% of the EU’s electricity by 2030. However, this ambitious target hinges on a crucial shift in mindset.

Embracing Long-term, Strategic Action

Beyond Short-term Objectives

To realize the full potential of wind energy, it is imperative to steer clear of short-term thinking. TPWind recognizes the significance of long-term, strategic action in both technology and policy research. This approach forms the bedrock upon which TPWind operates. It is not merely about harnessing wind power; it’s about devising a collaborative strategy that can transform the industry.

Building Effective Policy Frameworks

Shaping the Future through Policy

TPWind plays a pivotal role in facilitating the development of effective and complementary national and EU policies. These policies are designed not just to promote the growth of the wind energy market but also to ensure its sustainability. By aligning policies, TPWind paves the way for a coordinated approach that benefits all stakeholders.

Technology Development for Competitiveness

Innovation for a Competitive Edge

The competitiveness of wind power, both onshore and offshore, is a cornerstone of TPWind’s mission. Through strategic research and development, TPWind aims to drive cost reductions, making wind energy not just environmentally friendly but economically viable on a large scale.


Q: What is TPWind’s primary objective? A: TPWind’s main goal is to foster collaboration, research, and development in the wind energy sector, leading to sustainable growth.

Q: How much of the EU’s electricity can wind energy provide by 2030? A: Based on estimates, wind energy could potentially supply up to 34% of the EU’s electricity by 2030.

Q: Why is it crucial to focus on long-term, strategic action in wind energy? A: Long-term thinking is essential to harness the full potential of wind energy and drive its competitiveness.

Q: What role does TPWind play in policy development? A: TPWind facilitates the development of effective national and EU policies to support wind energy growth.

Q: How does TPWind contribute to technology development? A: TPWind actively engages in research and development to achieve cost reductions, making wind power competitive.

Q: What is TPWind’s ultimate aim? A: TPWind’s ultimate aim is to ensure the full competitiveness of wind power, both onshore and offshore, in the energy market.

Conclusion: TPWind’s Vision for Wind Energy

TPWind’s Strategic Research Agenda and Market Deployment Strategy herald a new era for the wind energy sector. It’s not just about harnessing the power of the wind; it’s about embracing a long-term, strategic approach that can reshape Europe’s energy landscape. As we move forward, TPWind’s vision stands as a guiding light, illuminating the path towards a sustainable, competitive, and environmentally responsible energy future.